Friday, April 12, 2019

How to Save Money for Games

Saving Money for Games

How to Save Money When Buying Games

     With video games coming out for Xbox and PlayStation at a pretty fast rate over the course of 2016-2018, a lot of titles have caught the eye of many gamers. But with titles such as Red Dead Redemption 2 (made by Rock Star), which was being sold at Game Stop starting at $99.99, gamers might start to worry about their investment options if the new big thing comes around the corner. So the number one question you should ask yourself is, "How much should I actually invest in this game?" And the answers are quite simple.

Image result for red dead redemption 2

     When a game as big as Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy XV, NieR, Bayonetta, the Last Guardian, Shadow of the Colossus, and the new God of War come out, the price range will be between $59.99 to $69.99. But this depends if you buy the deluxe version of the game. For example, when Kingdom Hearts 3 was released on January 31st, 2019, the deluxe package for the game cost about $10.00 extra than the original PS4 or Xbox disc. 

     It might seem like you're spending a lot of money for just one game. And the deluxe copies of the game will be sold out quickly (just as quickly as Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice). So how are you supposed to save enough money in order to buy the game and just enjoy it? Without the need to fork over a huge chunk of your paycheck to possibly get that season pass? It's simple by listening and repeating these words to yourself when you consider buying a new game. The same goes for gaming systems.

"It is worth the wait!"

Image result for kingdom hearts 3

     A lot of games within a few months of being released will go down in stores. One big store you should always keep your eyes on is Game Stop. When a game is just released, depending on the popularity and fandom for that game, it could sell out quickly. But why panic? Buying games online can be risky. And spending $60+ TAX isn't always an option for everyone. But waiting to buy a game is always worth it, trust me.

     I always tend to wait about a year or six months after the game's release date when I want to save money. And if the game is used, the price goes down a little faster than the newly released copies. Game Stop also makes most of their profit by selling used systems and games, so by waiting and buying them used, you would be supporting your local game store which is a plus.

     The DLC for the game will also go down at some point in the PlayStation Store or your Xbox Play Store. So if you want all of that sweet season pass gear, it will be cheaper to buy it later as DLC than to buy it all in one package.

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